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Google X to Tap our Tears


In the mysterious labs of the guarded Google X facility in Mountain Vew, California, the creative minds have heard the plight of the 382 million individuals globally with diabetes, which, according to the International Diabetes Federation, is expected to reach an astounding 592 million by 2035.

On a daily basis, individuals with diabetes must vigilantly test the glucose levels in their blood by repeatedly pricking their fingers throughout the day. This unpleasant experience causes many diabetics to perform this test less frequently than they should, to their own detriment.

Ongoing research has shown that glucose levels may also be assessed from tears. Google X’s answer: a contact lens with a tiny wireless chip and a glucose sensor, along with an antenna thinner than a strand of hair—all embedded between two soft lenses.

Though this smart contact lens is still in the developmental phase and has yet to be approved by the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration), this prototype can eventually warn diabetics of dangerous blood sugar levels via miniature LED lights in the lens.

With 80% of diabetics living in countries characterized as middle to low income, we hope Google’s old “Don’t be evil” motto will mean all diabetics will be able to make use of the smart contact lens to see bluer skies in their future.

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