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Natural Armor: Grovemade Wooden Sleeve


By now, we’re sure that you’ve seen every possible accessory for Apple’s tech toys, but the list just keeps on growing as Grovemade, from Portland, Oregon, has developed a series of wooden sleeves to protect your devices from an early and unwanted burial.

The sleeves are made with either maple or walnut wood, which is first laser cut for geometric contouring, after which the wood veneer is thoroughly hand-sanded and oiled to render it soft to the touch. Wool lines the inside of the sleeve to further protect your device from habitual clumsiness, as well as a leather and brass pull strap to slide the laptop or tablet in and out with ease. The sleeves come sized for the iPad Air, iPad Mini, and MacBook.

The team at Grovemade churns out a wide array of products that all express co-founders Joe Mansfield and Ken Tomita’s take on functional accessories that are steeped in a unique West Coast appreciation of natural materials and craftsmanship.

US $79-99; AED/SAR 290–364

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