Egypt has lost another great. Famed actor Nour El-Sherif passed Tuesday following a battle with an unspecified illness. He was 69-years-old. El-Sherif’s career was launched when he played a supporting role in The Palace of Desire, the film adaptation of a novel by Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz. He went on to play some 150 films, 7 of which rank in the top 100 Egyptian movies of all time: My Wife and the Dog; Sons of Silence; Karnak; People on Top; An Egyptian Fairytale; Shame; and The Bus Driver, in which he co-starred with Mervat Amin.
Incidently, the late actor, who was born Mohamed Gaber Abdullah (1946) earned the stage name “El-Sherif” after Omar Sharif who passed just last month. The actor’s funeral takes place today at the Shorta Mosque in Cairo.
Upon learning the news while on holiday on the Egyptian coast, his colleague of 45 years, Egyptian comedic actor Adel Imam, has since decided to postpone his son’s upcoming wedding this Saturday. Below, pillars of Egypt’s entertainment industry mourn the passing of the veteran actor.
Angham, singer and actress
إنالله وإنا إليه راجعون رحم الله الأستاذ الكبير #نور_الشريف
— Angham (@Angham) August 11, 2015
“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. May God grant this great man forgiveness. #NourElSherif”
Mona Zaki, actress
استاذ نور الشريف اكبر من أني أتكلم عنه.كان نموذج للفنان الأصيل المثقف العاشق للفن. رحمه الله وادخله فسيح جناته. أمين
— Mona Zaki (@monazaki) August 11, 2015
“Mr. Nour El-Sherif needs no introductions or complements for his work. He was a true example of an educated and genuine artist who adored art. May God grant him forgiveness and eternal paradise. Amen”
Khaled El Nabawy, actor
قلتلى اوعى تخاف من الفشل في السينما يا خالد.خاف من عدم الإستمرار.المهم تستمر و هتنجح و قلتلى انك اتعلمت ده من فريد شوقى #نور_الشريف.وداعاً
— Khaled El Nabawy (@KhaledElNabawy) August 11, 2015
“You told me, ‘Never fear failure in the cinema industry, Khaled. Fear giving up. What’s important is to continue, and you will succeed.’ You told me that you learned this from Farid Shawqi. Goodbye #NourElSherif.”
Amr Diab, singer
خالص عزائي لوفاة الفنان الكبير #نور_الشريف رحمه الله وألهم أهله الصبر والسلوان
— Amr Diab (@amrdiab) August 11, 2015
My sincere condolences for the death of the great artist #NourElSherif. May God grant him forgiveness and grant his family patience and peace of mind.”
Amal Maher, singer
البقاء لله الفنان الكبير نور الشريف نسأل الله ان يتغمدة برحمتة ويدخلة فسيح جناتة
— Amal Maher (@amalmaher) August 11, 2015
“Only God lasts forever. May God grant the great artist Nour El-Sherif forgiveness and eternal paradise.”
Tamer Hosny, singer
إنَّا لله و إنَّا اليه راجعون البقاء لله نتقدم بأحر التعازي لأسرة النجم الكبير الفنان المصري نور الشريف رحمه الله نسألكم الدعاء والفاتحة
— Tamer Hosny (@tamerhosny) August 11, 2015
“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Only God lasts forever. My sincere condolences for the family of the great Egyptian artist Nour El-Sherif. May God grant him forgiveness. We are all praying for him.”
Samo Zaen, singer
إن لله وإن إليه راجعون البقاء لله في حياه الفنان الكبير الأخ الكبير والأب الحنون الأستاذ نور الشريف رحمك الله وغفرلك
— Samo Zaen (@SamoZaen) August 11, 2015
“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Only God lasts forever. May God grant the great artist, brother, and affectionate father Nour El-Sherif forgiveness.”
Wafaa Elkilany, TV presenter
سُجلت على قيدالموت.. بس هتفضل عايش ولأجيال من بعدنا! نور الشريف فنان أعماله مابتموتش الله يرحمك #وفاة_نور_الشريف
“It’s true they’re saying you’re dead, but you will live for so many generations more! Nour El-Sherif’s works will live forever. May God grant you forgiveness. #NourElSherifDeath”